Press Release Regarding the Resolution Adopted by the Parliament of the State of Tasmania in Australia

Kanberra Büyükelçiliği 17.05.2023

The Parliament of the State of Tasmania in Australia adopted a baseless and light minded resolution titled “Genocide of the Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks” which is null and void.

We strongly condemn and reject this resolution adopted with local political motives to satisfy certain circles. This resolution not only lacks legal and historical basis, but also contradicts the spirit of Türkiye-Australia bilateral relations.

The legislative bodies are not supposed to pass judgements on controversial episodes of history. It is very disturbing that these judgements are built upon arbitrary and superficial allegations. Moreover it is regrettable that an artificial history is being produced that completely ignores the indescribable suffering of the Turkish people at this period.

Our proposal to establish a Joint Historical Commission with Armenia on the events of 1915 is still on the table.

We call on the legislative body of the State of Tasmania not to support initiatives dedicated to creating animosity among communities.


Pazartesi - Cuma

09.00 - 12.30 / 13.30 - 17.30

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